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Tips for Saving Energy

An energy-efficient home will save you money while keeping your family comfortable. ENERGY STAR-qualified appliances, high-performance windows and reflective roofs are great investments that will yield long-term savings. There are also a lot of simple changes you can make to cut your electric bill.

Cooling and Heating

  • Use ceiling fans. They only use about as much electricity as a standard light bulb, but the breeze of a fan can make you feel three to four degrees cooler. They only cool off people, though, so be sure to turn them off when you leave the room. In the summer, set your ceiling fan to turn counter-clockwise; in the winter, run it clockwise at low speed.
  • Change or clean your AC's air filters at least once a month.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to adjust your temperature during the day, and set your thermostat fan switch to "auto" so it will shut off when it's not needed.
  • Close air vents in rooms you're not using so you're not paying to cool them.

Appliances and Electronics

  • Set your computer to sleep or hibernate mode instead of using a screen saver.
  • Unplug battery chargers when not in use. Many chargers draw power continuously, even if  the device is not plugged in.



NextEra Energy. Inc. (NEE) has reached a deal that includes the acquistion of 100% of Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) which holds approximately 80% of interest in Oncor Electric Delivery.


"Our church chose to go with Curtis and Clark Energy Services and we're going to save several thousand dollars. The people have been extremely friendly. I highly recommend them to anybody interested in saving money on their energy bills."
John Branham
First Church of The Nazarene

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