In order for us to properly provide you with an aggregation analysis for electricity, we need some introductory information. Completing this form does not commit you in any way.
Please click here to download and complete this brief client information form and we will use the information to prepare a proposal for you.
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Or, give us a call at 936-564-2123 and have the following info ready:
1. Your legal company name and address for billing purposes
2. Your business entity type (sole proprietorship, corporation, partnership)
3. The name and contact information for the person responsible for contract matters
NextEra Energy. Inc. (NEE) has reached a deal that includes the acquistion of 100% of Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) which holds approximately 80% of interest in Oncor Electric Delivery.
....“Not only do they provide savings, but wonderful service. I highly recommend Curtis and Clark Energy Services for your energy aggregation.”
Neal Slaten
Tipton Ford Lincoln